Bu tez çalışmasının konusunu oluşturan Hasanpaşa, geç Osmanlı Dönemi'nin eski Türk Mahallesi karakterini yansıtan ve özgün sivil mimarlık örneklerinin bulunduğu önemli semtlerden biridir. Merkezi konumu ve Gazhane binasının varlığı semtin önemini arttıran diğer etkenlerdir.Birinci bölümde Hasanpaşa'nın tez konusu olarak seçilmesinin nedenleri ve bölgenin mevcut geleneksel dokusunun Gazhane binasıyla birlikte korunmasına yönelik amaç ve hedefler üzerinde durulmuştur.İkinci bölümde Kadıköy'ün fiziki yapısı ele alınmış; üçüncü bölümde ise Kadıköy'ün ilkçağlardan günümüze kadar çeşitli tarihsel dönemlerde geçirdiği değişimler üzerinde durulmuştur.Dördüncü bölümde Hasanpaşa'nın günümüze kadarki fiziksel gelişimi ve tarihsel süreci incelendikten sonra, çalışma sınırları içinde kalan önemli yapılar, korunması gerekli sivil mimarlık örnekleri ele alınmıştır. Tarihi konutların kat adetleri, kapı, pencere ve cephe düzenleri, çatı biçimlenişleri, yapım sistemleri ve mekan kulanımları gibi elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda kültür varlıklarının genel karakteri ve bölgenin sokak dokusu irdelenmiştir.Beşinci bölümde bölgenin 20.yüzyıl başına tarihlenen haritalarından yapı adaları, sokak dokusu ve parselasyon biçimleri bugünkü durumla karşılaştırılarak incelenmiştir. Bölgenin fiziksel ve sosyo-kültürel durumu hakkında bilgi verilmiş, böylece mevcut durumun ayrıntılı olarak kavranması hedeflenmiştir. Altıncı bölümde ise 20.yy'ın ikinci yarısından sonra bölge için düzenlenen koruma amaçlı imar planları ve alınan kurul kararları üzerinde durulmuştur.Yedinci bölümde, çalışma alanı içinde kalan yapı adalarının durumları ve tescilli, tescili önerilen, yok olmuş ve restorasyonu tamamlanmış kültür varlıkları, çevresel değer taşıyan yapılar tek tek incelenmiş, yazılı kaynaklar ve eski fotoğraflarla ayrıntılı bir biçimde anlatılmış, ayrıca her yapı için anıt fişi hazırlanmıştır.Sekizinci bölümde bölgenin fiziksel durumunu ortaya koyan analiz çalışmaları yapılmış; dokuzuncu bölümde alan için sıhhileştirme önerileri geliştirilmiş ve yeniden kullanım kararları alınmıştır. Alınan planlama kararlarında, geleneksel dokunun korunarak gelecek nesillere aktarılmasına yönelik önlemlerin alınması, Gazhane'nin ve kullanılmayan diğer tarihi yapıların yeniden işlevlendirilmesi, sosyal ve kültürel yaşamın canlandırılması, uygun olan mevcut boş alanlara bölgenin ihtiyacı doğrultusunda yeni tasarımların yapılması ve yeni yapılaşmalarda uyum sağlayacak düzenleme ilkelerinin belirlenmesinde izlenecek yöntemler açıklanmıştır. Tezin sonuç bölümünde de genel bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır.
Our working area which is located in the district Hasanpaşa, is the first settlement of the Anatolian side dated from the period of Phoenicians and is a place leaving his mark in history as a place of resort and recreation area from the Byzantine period until the Ottoman period.During the Ottoman Empire period it was a wide area where there were hunting houses. Before 1945, the area was the treasure land belonging to the new republic. Also, the area surrounding the mosque of Osman Aga today was the first settlement in Kadıköy. Then, every mosque in the region had been a small core of settlement. One of these was Hasanpaşa Mosque. This religious complex gave his name to the surrounding area. Before, this district was tied to the Osmanaga Quarter.The transformation process which involved the whole society deeply and entirely began in the 20th centuries in the industrialized countries but in Turkey it started after the period of the Second World War. The 1950?s are the beginning years when the urbanization movement became apparent in our country and in Istanbul.With the development of the industry in Istanbul, Kadıköy and his surrounding was an attractive settlement center for those who migrated there. Since the middle of the 20th century, the result of the changing socio-economic structure of Istanbul caused a fundamentally challenge in the character of the district. In a short time the Ankara Highway was surrounding by shantytowns. Traditional houses owners left their home with the migration and a new class structure reflected to the housing, then the region lost his character.On the other hand, the first development plan of the zoning plans which is dated 21.09.1946, is the reason of the changing in the area. Also according to the ring road plan, the Kurbağalıdere Street was expanded and 5 meter of the plots facing this street were abandoned to the road untill the construction zoning line. The zoning plan was determinated as an adjacent residential area with an altitude of 12.50 meter leaving a part to the road. This plan led to the constructions of high blocks of flats in urban areas and then Kadıköy entered into a radical structural transformation. Kadıköy was divided naturally from his beginning point to his ending limits with the horizontally road called Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Street or Mini Bus Street. The rapid and unplanned urbanization started since the 1950?s, occured in the upper part of this street. Hasanpaşa district is in the first part of this region.The double lane road Haydarpaşa-Pendik that ended in 1958 and the Bosphorus Bridge that opened in 1973, changed the structure and the balance of the population of Kadıköy. With the modernization of the urban transport, the commercial structures of Kurbağalıdere Street and Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Street became business centers. Today important public buildings such as Kadıköy Employment Agency and Kadıköy Municipality are in this area. Also the starting point of the Anatolian side Railway is on this place. The dinamic of the transformation of the region was based on the manufacturing and services sectors. However, Kurbağalıdere was destroyed during this period and turned into an unwanted creek in which the sewage flowed in the reabilitation program of the stream wasn?t enough to turn into its former flowing position and it was completeley dry.Hasanpaşa which is the subject of this thesis, reflects the character of the old Turkish Quarter of the late Ottoman Period and is one of the important neighborhood where there are original examples of civil architecture. The central location and the existence of the Gazhane building are the other factors increasing the importance of the district.The first chapter is based on the reasons for the choice of Hasanpaşa as a thesis subject and purposes and objectives are described to protect the existing traditional buildings by involving the historical Gazwork building .In the second chapter a physical description of Kadıköy is describing and the third chapter is focused on the changes of Kadıköy from the beginning and the various historical periods to the present day.In the fourth chapter after examining the history and the physical development of Hasanpaşa until today, important old buildings and examples of civil architecture to protect within the boundaries of the working area are handled. According to the data obtained like the elevations, the windows and the doors layout, the roofs, the construction systems and the use of the interior spaces, the general character of the cultural heritage and the street pattern of the region is analyzed.In the fifth part the urban blocks, the street pattern and the land forms were examined by comparing the present situation with maps dated to the beginning of the 20th century. Thus, the results of the current situation was reached.The sixth chapter is about the construction zoning plans and decisions of the committee taken in the second half of the 19th century aim to protect this area.In the seventh chapter the status of the buildings islands, the registered houses, the buildings proposed to be registered, the non existing, restorated cultural assets and constructions with environmental values which are in the area work were examined one by one. Their monument chips were prepared in a detailed manner from written documents and photographs.In the eight chapter the analysis works are made to show the physical status of the region. The rehabilitation proposals and the decisions to re-use the buildings are described on the nineth chapter. In the planning decisions taken, there are the protection decisions to maintain the traditionnal environnment for its transfer to the future generations, the reused of the gazwork building and the historical buildings, the revitalization of social and cultural life, the new designs in empty areas in accordance to the needs of the region and the methods to followed to determine the principles for new buildings.Finally in the concluding part an overall evaluation have been explained and this thesis has been completed. |