Tez No İndirme Tez Künye Durumu
Bazı çim tohumlarının farklı gübre koşulları altında yetiştirilmesi /
Yer Bilgisi: Ege Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Biyoloji = Biology
Dizin:Gübreler = Fertilizers ; Tohumlar = Seeds ; Çim = Turf
142 s.
127 7.SÜHHİKY In this study, use of treated waste waters (TO) for irrigation purpose and the effects of ÎIFK fertiliser applications to the media hare been investigated. L.perezme L., T. jra&zah. and A. tenuis l*. were used as the experimental material. TO ms obtained from treatment plants of Maltepe Military School, Factory of Ttaryağ and Municapility of Hanisa and the fertilisers containing different ratios of HFK; 12:12:12, 6:2:3 and 20:20:20+ trace elements; were applied. In these experiments; germination percentage, seedling growth, morphological features, dry matter, yield, sprouting, quantity of total ÎÎFK in soil and plant as well as microbiological characteristics a3 compared to the control obtained were investigated. The results are summarised below: 1. It was observed that germination percentage in relation to TO did not chage; but fertiliser application to the soil stimulated the germination. 2. Seedling growth was stimulated both of fertiliser as well as TO applications. 3. Number of leaves in the plants getting fertiliser and TO was higher and leaves were more dark green in colour.128 4. Dry matter content was higher in the TO treated plants as compared to the controls. 5. TO of Turyağ encouraged sprouting in F.zubzs, but 100& TO application to L.perezme and 6:2:3 and 20:20:20+ trace elements application to A. tenuis reduced sprouting. 6. Application of TO increased the N and K contents of the plants depending on the soil strtıctaıre, while N and P in soil increased.. K showed decrease. 7. The number of microorganisms in the plants getting 100& TO application was lower than controls; biit showed an increase in these 50% and 2:1 (2 day TO and 1 day tap water irrigation) applications 8. In the summer planting TO and 6:2:3 application inhibited the development of our experimental plants.