Tez No İndirme Tez Künye Durumu
Germiyanoğulları Beyliği'nin mimari eserleri, I, metin /
Danışman: PROF. DR. M. OLUŞ ARIK
Yer Bilgisi: Ankara Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı / Sanat Tarihi Bilim Dalı
Konu:Sanat Tarihi = Art History
Dizin:Germiyanoğulları = Germiyanoğulları ; Mimari eserler = Architectural works ; Sanat tarihi = Art history
873 s.
After the Anatolian Seljuks collapsed, the Turkish Emirates began to rule in. Anatolia. One of the Turkish Emi rate among them was Germiyanogullari( 1300-1429). They ruled in the region of Kütahya which was the centre of the Emira te and in the region of Afyon, Uşak, Denizli and Kula. Thşy have built many monuments in the cities, towns and villages which were under the rule of them. But most of those monuments fell into ruin and disappeared in the course of time and some of them lost their originalities because of the renovations. In the meantime, only the inscriptions of some monuments reached our time. On the other hand the country ruled by Ottomans for a provisional time and we know that there are some monuments which were built at that time. These are Great I.'osque and Takvacilar Mosque at Kütahya, Kabe Masjid,Ak Lîasjid and the minaret of Great Mosque at Afyon. The Germiyan monuments which have preserved partly or completely their originalities formed the catalogue of this study. « The results of this research shows that II. Yakub Çelebi, İshak Fakih complexes at Kütahya, Babuk Bey complex at Simav and the complex which was built at the halting - place Yenicekb'y were small building groups which hasn't more than three buildings. Also they don't show any order too. It calls attention to that complexes were built in th the first quarter of XV century which the country was under the patronage of Ottomans for a provisional time. Like the Kurşunlu Mosque at Kütahya, mosques are single-domed cubic mosques and have porch with three do - mes. Though the masjids maintain the Seljuk traditions. The Seljuk tradition can be seen in Vacidiye î.îadra-435 sah. and Balabaniye Madrasah at Kütahya. But in this buil - dings, the fine Seljuk stonework ornaments left its place to a decorations which were made by profiled mouldings. This simplicity can be- seen on the facades, portals and in ner structures. Besides the continuation of the Seljukid forms in the architecture of turbehs,the examples of new types were developed sin West Anatolia in XIV" century. Another thin - gis that the crypt which was known from the Seljukid, disap peared in this period. The difference between the Seljukid khans and this period is that the khan of this period have a court. The plans of baths were the same as Sel^ukid period. As a conclusion, we can say that, besides the conti - nuation of Seljukid tradition, new creation were brough out in the Germiyan period. But the monuments were in small di - mensions and simple buildings. In the decoration it shows an evident simplicity.