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52058 Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Studios manastırı bazilikasının üst örtü problemi / The Roof problem of studios basilica
Yer Bilgisi: İstanbul Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Konu:Sanat Tarihi = Art History
Dizin:Bizans kiliseleri = Byzantine churchs ; Kiliseler = Churchs ; Manastır = Monastery ; Mimari eserler = Architectural works ; Studios Manastırı = Studios Basilica ; Çatı sistemleri = Roof systems
218 s.
-193 - SUMMARY THE ROOF PROBLM OP STUDIOS BASILICA Studios "basilica is one of oldest churches in Istanbul. It has not been found any trace of other buildings which constitute Studios Monastery, apart from that of the Cisterne and the Ayazma(sacred spring). During the Iconoclast period, the Monastery and its Church become famous for the struggle of Theodore Studites against the movement^of Ikonoclast. Although all of the monks suffered too much, they carried on their resistance. After the Iconoclast period, Monastery maintained its reputation as scriptorium atelier(work shop) and its Church became known all the time among the important churches of the city. The regu lations of Monastery guided the foundation organizations of other Monas teries. The other importance of the Monastery, is that many famous perso nal it es was sheltered or buried in there. The buildings of the Church and Monastery were repaired twice during the period of Byzantium Bnpire. The first one of this repairs was made by em peror Isaac Comnenus (1057-1059 ) » before Latin occupation and the floor mosaics are assumed to this period. The following repair recorded was made about 1290, in the reign of Andronicus 11(1282-1328), by his brother Cons tantly. In this repair, it is known that the Basilica roof was changed and all the buildings of Monastery was surrounded by the strong walls. The Basilioa was converted in to the mosque in the reign of Bayazxt II (1481-1512), by the Sultan's grand ecuyer(lmrahor) Albanian Hyas Bey. A new roof with 4 slopes was built to the Basilica in Ottoman Repairs. This roof which collapsed because of heavy snow fall in the winter of-193 - SUMMARY THE ROOF PROBLM OP STUDIOS BASILICA Studios "basilica is one of oldest churches in Istanbul. It has not been found any trace of other buildings which constitute Studios Monastery, apart from that of the Cisterne and the Ayazma(sacred spring). During the Iconoclast period, the Monastery and its Church become famous for the struggle of Theodore Studites against the movement^of Ikonoclast. Although all of the monks suffered too much, they carried on their resistance. After the Iconoclast period, Monastery maintained its reputation as scriptorium atelier(work shop) and its Church became known all the time among the important churches of the city. The regu lations of Monastery guided the foundation organizations of other Monas teries. The other importance of the Monastery, is that many famous perso nal it es was sheltered or buried in there. The buildings of the Church and Monastery were repaired twice during the period of Byzantium Bnpire. The first one of this repairs was made by em peror Isaac Comnenus (1057-1059 ) » before Latin occupation and the floor mosaics are assumed to this period. The following repair recorded was made about 1290, in the reign of Andronicus 11(1282-1328), by his brother Cons tantly. In this repair, it is known that the Basilica roof was changed and all the buildings of Monastery was surrounded by the strong walls. The Basilioa was converted in to the mosque in the reign of Bayazxt II (1481-1512), by the Sultan's grand ecuyer(lmrahor) Albanian Hyas Bey. A new roof with 4 slopes was built to the Basilica in Ottoman Repairs. This roof which collapsed because of heavy snow fall in the winter of