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Kültürel yabancılaşma olgusu ve Türkiye'deki yansımaları / The Cultural alienation phenomenon and its implications in Turkey
Yer Bilgisi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Konu:Antropoloji = Anthropology ; Sosyoloji = Sociology
Dizin:Kültür = Culture ; Medya = Media ; Sosyal değişme = Social change ; Tüketim = Consumption ; Yabancılaşma = Alienation
Yüksek Lisans
139 s.
ÖZET İnsanlığın, kendi yarattıklarının/ürettiklerinin zamanla karşısına bir güç olarak çıkması ve onu egemenliği altına alması anlamına gelen, adına yabancılaşma denen olgunun, insanlık tarihi kadar gerilere gittiği düşünülmektedir. Marxist yaklaşım, yabancılaşmanın kökenini özel mülkiyetin ortaya çıktığı dönemlere kadar götürürken, kimi araştırmacılar dinin doğduğu çağlara dayndırmaktadırlar. Bu kadar eski dönemlere dayandırılan yabancılaşmanın kavram olarak insanbilimlerinde kullanılması daha yenidir. Bu kavram, Hegel tarafından geliştirilmiş, Marx tarafından genişletilmiş ve tarihi-maddeci kuram çerçevesinde yeniden yorumlanmıştır. Marx'm yabancılaşma kavramını çok yönlü olarak ele alıp incelemesinden sonra, insanbilimlerinde sürekli tartışılan bir konu olagelmiştir. O kadar ki, kimi araştırıcılar, toplumbilimciler ve felsefeciler, yabancılaşmanın bunca yoğun olarak her alanda kullanılışının, bu kavramı gittikçe bulanıklaştırdığım ve gerçek (marxist) anlamından uzaklaştırdığını belirtme gereğini duymuşlardır. Yabancılaşma olugusunun çeşitli tezahürleri, toplumun birçok yönü gözönüne alınarak gözlemlcncbilmcktcdir. Yabancılaşan bir toplumda bireyler, öldürme, yaralama, aç kalma ve çok kötü koşullarda yaşama gibi toplumsal ya da bireysel olaylara duyarsız kalabilmektedirler. Öte yandan tüketime yönelme, "tüketim kültürü" oluşturma da, yabancılaşmanın bir başka tezahürü olarak görülebilimektedir. Kendi kendine ve kendi türüne yabancılaşan birey, kendisi dışındaki varlıklara/nesnelere yönelmekte, zamanla bu varlıkların/nesnelerin etkisinde kalabilmektedir. Sporun, manipülatif yönü ve medyatik kahramanların ortaya çıkması ya da "kahraman'lann medya tarafından abartılmaları da kültürel yabancılaşmaya neden olabilmektedir. Kültürel yabancılaşma, toplumun ya da bireyin çok yönlü yabancılaşması olarak değerlendirilebilir. Başka bir deyişle kültürel yabancılaşma kavramı, birey ya da toplumun kendine, çevresine, emeğine, işine, varlığına, vb. yabancılaşması anlamına gelmektedir. Özellikle popüler kültür ve kitle kültürünü, kültürel yabancılaşmanın (bireyin ve toplumun üzerindeki doğrudan etkisi nedeniyle) önemli nedeni ve sonucu olarak değerlendirmek mümkündür. Bundan başka, azınlıkların ve altkültürlerin, birbirlerinden farklı nedenlerle ve biçimlerle de olsa, kültürel yabancılaşmaya açık oldukları, bu oluguyu görece daha yoğun olarak yaşadıkları söylenebilir.IV alienation though in different forms for different factors -since they are living this fact more intensively. Turkey is a geography in which different cultures (societies) live together and in which there are different ethnic communities. The common culture which is constinuted by these communities is called Anatolian mosaic. However, it is a fact that there are some problems due to the structure of the sate and the goverment and the establishments like media and the state cause to bring out these problems which play an inportant role in cultural alienation. In this research based on the assumption of the existence of the cultural alienation phenomenon, some hypothesis have been developed to be tested, in order to examine the situation in case of Turkey. The main hypotesis is, the establishments like media and state play a significant role in deepening the cultural alienation. The research concludes that the findings and the opinions asserted seem to support the above mentioned theses. But just like in many social science studies, this study also has some relativist aspects.
Ill SUMMARY The phenonenon which is called alienation appears in front of the things were created/produced by mankind as a power which and dominats him in the course of time is thought to be as old as the history of the humanity. While the Marxist aproach carries the origin of the alienation back to the appearance of private possession; it is pointed out by some researchers that the emergence of the religions had constituted the source of the alienation. However, the perfect use of the term "alienation" as a consept in social sciences is quite new. This consept has been developed by Hegel; enlarged and reinterpreted by Marx within the pramc of historical-materialist theory. Afthcr Marx had taken and examined the alienation concept in many respects it became a subjest which has been discussed much in social sciences since then, so much that some researchers like sociologists and philosophers have felt the necenity to point out that the intensive use of the term and using it in every area gradually blurred the term and estranged it from its real meaning (Marxist). Manifestations of the fact of alienation can be observed by taking into account of the many aspects of the society. The people in a society which have been alienated might become insensitive towards to social or individual events like killing, injuring, hunger and living under bad conditions. On the other hand tending towards to consumption and forming a consumption society can be seen as another manifestation of the alienation as well. The person/individual who has alienated to himself/herself and to his/her own species gradually tends toward the other creatures/objects and in the course of time they find themselves under influence of these creatures/objects. The appearance of the manipulative side of the sports and the appearance of the mediatic hcros can cause alienation too. Culturel alienation can be evaluated as the multilateral alienation of the society or the individual. In another words, the concept of culturel alienation expresses the alienation of the individual or the society to himself, to his enviroment, to his labour, to his work, to his existence ets. It is possible to evaluate especially the popular culture and mass culture as the important causes and the effects of the cultural alienation (because of their direct influences on individual and society). Besides, it may be said that the minorities and the subcultures are relatively more exposed to the culturalIV alienation though in different forms for different factors -since they are living this fact more intensively. Turkey is a geography in which different cultures (societies) live together and in which there are different ethnic communities. The common culture which is constinuted by these communities is called Anatolian mosaic. However, it is a fact that there are some problems due to the structure of the sate and the goverment and the establishments like media and the state cause to bring out these problems which play an inportant role in cultural alienation. In this research based on the assumption of the existence of the cultural alienation phenomenon, some hypothesis have been developed to be tested, in order to examine the situation in case of Turkey. The main hypotesis is, the establishments like media and state play a significant role in deepening the cultural alienation. The research concludes that the findings and the opinions asserted seem to support the above mentioned theses. But just like in many social science studies, this study also has some relativist aspects.