Tez No İndirme Tez Künye Durumu
Elazığ`daki Türk devri yapıları (2 cilt) / The Monuments of Turkish period in Elazığ
Yer Bilgisi: Selçuk Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Sanat Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Sanat Tarihi = Art History
Dizin:Camiler = Mosques ; Elazığ = Elazığ ; Hamamlar = Baths ; Hanlar = Inns ; Külliyeler = Complexes ; Mimari eserler = Architectural works ; Tekkeler = Tekke ; Türbeler = Tombs ; Türk mimarisi = Turkish architecture ; Türk sanatı = Turkish art
1239 s.
Elazığ has been situated in upper Fırat part in southwest of eastern Turkey. It has been situated in the 40° 21 ile 38° 30 with east longitude, 38° 17 and 39° 1 1 with north latitude. It is surrounded with the lands of Bingöl in west Keban Dam and Tunceli, in north Karakaya Dam and Malatya in south-west and Diyarbakır in south. Elazığ has a law elevation with 1300-1400 m. as an average which is lower when compared with other cities. The Harput hill is 1067 m. High that has been in Harput situated in north part of Uluova. Elazığ, replaced Harput which is one of oldest settlements in the past and Elazığ has a wide growth. There is not wide knowledge about the bottom history of the city as there has not been a scientific excavation so far. According to some excavation and researches fulfilled in Keban Dam and tumulus that have stayed under the dam water area dates back to Paleolitic period and there has been a continuous residing since the mentioned period. The results of the studies that have been done by the middle east tecnical university since 1968 have been published as Keban project publications. The existance of such studies is an indication for a continuous life in Harput and its surroundings since paleolitic period. At the and of this study in the catalogue section the Turkish period buildings in city center and towns have been researched on the spot. The buildings have been analysed according to their types. Their plans, construction materials and peculiarity decorates have been designated and they have been compared with the buildings constructed in Anatolia. İn this way the place and importance of the constructions of Elazığ among the anatolian Turkish architecture have been tried to be brought up. Many of the buildings in our study are of Artukoğulları, Seljuk, Dulkadiroğulları, Akkoyunlular and Ottoman period. All the buildings available in Elazığ and its surroundings are in Turkish architecture. Such a growth is both in civilian and official buildings. Elazığ, especially Harput, has been one of the first settlements of Turks since their first migration to Anatolia. That's why it carries all sorts of architecture kinds from the very early period to the present time. All tiypes of architecture in the area have an effect in the century. The new- growth in west which show the power of Ottoman arts. Showed its effect late in this 557area. Another case that attracts attention is that the stone workmanship of the south east and traditional similarity motifs of the north area a mixture in decorate no matter what the period might be. Our studies broght up that the architecture construction showed cigor in these periods in the area. As it was stated while the works were introduced, to be able to understand the plan of the schema of some constructions there must be an excavating in the area. These buildings are still avaliable in Elazığ 5 complex (4 mosque, 4 tombs, 2 madrasas, 1 library, 2 Turkishs bathes), 48 mosque anda mesjits, 6 tekkes and dervish lodges, 17 tombs, 4 caravansaraies, 10 Turkishs bathes, 1 palace, 2 goverment buildings, 1 clocok tower, 1 bridges in total 104. The constructions which are not avaliable now are as written down; 19 mosques and mesjits, 32 madrasas, 7 tekkes and dervish lodges, 1 tombs, 17 caravansaries, 9 bathes, 4 library, 1 hospital, 2 bridges, 1 mint and 1 bazzar, in total 94. 558