Bu tez çalışmasında; Kadıköy İlçesi, Rasimpaşa Mahallesi, Karakolhane Caddesi
no:19'da, 50 pafta 187 ada 54 parselde yer alan Tevfik Tura Apartmanı konu
edilmiştir. Kadıköy'ün daha çok Yeldeğirmeni semti olarak bilinen bu bölgesi,
Türklerin yanı sıra Rumlar, Ermeniler, Museviler gibi birçok farklı etnik kökenden
insanın yaşadığı, kültürlerini harmanladığı zengin ve yoğun konut dokusuyla ilçe
merkezinden farklılaşır. 19.yüzyıl sonlarında, dönemin modernleşme eğilimleri
doğrultusunda oluşan semtte, İstanbul'un ilklerinden olan bazı apartman yapıları
görülmektedir. Çoğu 1909 yılına tarihlenen bu apartmanların en görkemli
örneklerinden olan Tevfik Tura Apartmanı, toplam yedi katlı olup Art Nouveau ve
Barok üsluplarından izler taşımaktadır. Mimarı bilinmeyen yapının Ermeni
Demirciyan ailesi tarafından yaptırıldığı, ilk adının Demirciyan Apartmanı olduğu,
daha sonra Süreya Demirciyan ve son olarak bugünkü adını aldığı bilinmektedir.
Yapı, birçok açıdan günümüze oldukça iyi korunarak gelmiştir. Günümüzdeki
gelişigüzel apartmanlaşmaya rağmen, semtin ana aksı konumundaki Karakolhane
Caddesi'nde halen eski ağırlığını korumaktadır. Yapı GEEAYK tarafından 1977
yılında koruma grubu II olarak belirlenip, 1981 yılında tescillenmekle birlikte, rölövesi
dahi bulunmamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, çalışma kapsamında yapı için bir koruma
projesi hazırlanmış; belgelemenin yanı sıra yapıdaki bozulmalar tespit edilmiş,
restitüsyon ve restorasyon önerileri getirilmiştir. Bu çalışmayla hem söz konusu
yapının belgelenmesi, hem de Yeldeğirmeni konutlarında yapı ölçeğinde yapılması
beklenen belgelemelere örnek olması ve bir anlamda öncülük etmesi hedeflenmiştir.
Tez altı bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde tezin amacı ve kapsamı aktarılmış,
tezin yöntemi belirlenmiştir. İkinci bölümde yapının bulunduğu çevre olan
Yeldeğirmeni semtinin konumu, tarihi, apartman konut tipinin gelişimi ve bu bilgiler
ışığında semtin bulundurduğu kültür varlığı değeri taşıyan yapılar ortaya konmuş,
böylece tez konusu olarak incelenen Tevfik Tura Apartmanı üzerine yapılan veya
yapılacak değerlendirmelere bağlamsal bir arkaplan oluşturulmak istenmiştir. Üçüncü
bölüm, Tevfik Tura Apartmanı'nın detaylı konumu ve tarihçesi ile başlamaktadır.
Ardından yapının genel anlamda mimari tanımı yapılmıştır. Tüm mekansal özellikler,
cephe özellikleri, strüktür ve malzeme özellikleri, mimari elemanlar detaylı olarak
anlatılmıştır. Yine bu bölüm kapsamında; analitik rölöveye ait malzeme analizi ve
bozulma analizine değinilmiştir. Genel anlamda, yapının bütünlüğünü bozan malzeme
bozulmaları görülmemektedir. Buna karşılık sıkça görülen kullanıcı müdahaleleri
vardır ve bunlar çoğu zaman mekansal ilişkileri değiştirmiştir; ancak bu değişikliklerin
çoğunlukla özgün yapı elemanlarının sadece yeri değiştirilerek yapılması olumlu
olarak değerlendirilebilir. Yapıda ayırt edilen dönemlerin işlendiği kronolojik analiz
de bu bölümde ele alınmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde restitüsyon projesinin hazırlanma süreci anlatılmış, kesin verilerin bulunmadığı konularda bazı kararlar tartışılmıştır.
Beşinci bölümde ise restorasyon projesinde alınan kararlar, yapının
işlevlendirilmesine ve onarımına yönelik öneriler aktarılmıştır.
Sonuç olarak yapının tamamen özgün durumuna döndürülmesi yerine; hasarların
onarılması ve yapının taşıyıcı sistemini zorlayan kullanıcı müdahalelerinin geri
döndürülmesiyle birlikte, yapının ana cephelerini etkileyenler haricindeki
müdahaleleri korumaya yönelik bir yaklaşım sergilenmiştir. Tevfik Tura
Apartmanı'nın böylece konut olan özgün işlevini ve kullanılabilirliğini kaybetmeden,
gelecek nesillere aktarılacağı umulmaktadır.
The subject of this thesis is Tevfik Tura Apartment, which is located on Karakolhane
Avenue in Rasimpaşa Neighborhood, Kadıköy District of Istanbul, with the block
number 187, parcel number 54 and door number 19. The neighborhood is commonly
known as Yeldeğirmeni. Even though the first apartment buildings began to rise in
Galata-Pera region of Istanbul in the second half of the 19th century due to
socioeconomical impacts, first apartment buildings of the Asian side of the city were
built in Yeldeğirmeni at the turn of the 20th century.
Lying along the Asian shore of Marmara Sea, Kadıköy has been settled since Late
Neolithic Period, 6500 BC, had been conquered many times by different civilizations,
ending up with the Ottomans in the 14th century. Kadıköy has been mostly used as a
suburb with its prairies and agricultural areas for centuries, until the end of 19th
century. Among the prairies in Yeldeğirmeni, few mansions with wide gardens were
located. At the last decade of the century, the first streets of the settlement were set,
forming a gridal plan with the effect of the reforms (Tr. 'Tanzimat'). In the gridal plan
of the settlement, blocks are consisting of juxtaposed buildings and there are gardens
in the middle of each block.
The inception of an urban settlement in Yeldeğirmeni occured when Kuzguncuk Fire
in 1885 caused migration of its Jewish inhabitants. These Jewish families settled in
Yeldeğirmeni and built with masonry construction techniques, mostly two to four
storey row houses and partly apartment buildings. Then again, Haydarpaşa Train
Station was built between 1906 - 1908, being an important factor for the growth of the
neighborhood. For its construction, German architects, engineers and Italian workers
settled down as well. Not just some residential buildings like Valpreda and Süngit
Apartments, but also a school were built by them. There were also native Turk, Greek
(Tr. 'Rum') and Armenian people living in Yeldeğirmeni, who also built some
apartment buildings. Today, the most known ones are Valpreda (Italian), Kehribarcı
and Menase (Jewish) and Celal Muhtar (Turkish). Nearly all of them were built around
Tevfik Tura Apartment is one of these buildings, which was known as Demirciyan
Apartment at the time it was built, due to its owner, Armenian Demirciyan family. Its
architect is unknown. Although no information could be found on its construction date
in the resources, an old picture showing the silhouette of Yeldeğirmeni, along with the
known construction dates of the other apartment buildings, prooves that the building
was constructed in 1909. In the first half of the 20th century, its name was transformed
into Süreya Demirciyan. The name 'Süreya' was inherited from Süreyya Bey, who
was a member of Committee of Union and Progress (Tr. 'İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti')
and thus killed by Armenians. It is known that in 1920s, some Armenian properties
were given away to the families of Turkish high rank officers and adjutants in exchange. Today the building is named after Tevfik Tura, who is presumed to be the
deputy governor of his time, around 1950s.
The apartment building is quite decorated compared to many others in the
neighborhood, and located in the main axis. As architectural style, Art Nouveau and
Baroque can be traced both on the main facades (east / front and west / back) and in
the interior, which can be named as eclectic style in general. The building is mostly
symmetrical at every facade and all the plans. Both of the main facades are divided
into three parts, in terms of layout, cladding material, decoration elements, etc. Bay
windows on the front facade and balconies on both facades dominates their characters.
The entrance of the building is from the front facade, via a huge niche.
The building has a roughly rectangular plan scheme, which is actually a trapezoid due
to the 20 degree angled front facade. It has a total floor area of 274 m² and it is 24,34
m high. It also has a backyard at the west, rising the parcel area to 463,55 m². West
facade is overlooking to the garden among the other buildings and gardens in the block.
It has a masonry structure. Walls are constructed completely with brick except the
subbasement level, and at some parts supported with iron elements like lintels and
braces. Floors are constructed with jack arches (a floor system which consists of brick
vaults constructed between iron I-beams). The building has seven floors – basement
and ground floors, four typical floors and a roof floor. Each floor has two separate
sections (for the communal floors in the original usage) at north and south. Basically,
longitudinal load bearing walls divide the trapezoidal plan into three parts. Thereby
the middle part is mostly used for circulation and the side parts are used as independent
sections. There are three skylights, which are illuminating voids continuing throughout
the floors, from basement to the roof. Two of them are located symmetrically on the
longitudinal sides, and the third is located in the middle, juxtaposed to the staircase.
Landings of the stairs lead directly to the corridor of each apartment. A typical
apartment has a living room facing to east, five or six rooms according to apartment's
location, a kitchen, a bathroom and a WC. There are also balconies at east and west
In early period, apartment buildings built in Istanbul are tended to have a 'sofa',
traditional space in Turkish housing, which serves both for gathering and distribution.
With the effect of modernization period, this space leaves its place to corridor, which
we can see in Tevfik Tura Apartment.
Tevfik Tura Apartment was classified as conservation group II by High Council of
Immovable Monuments and Antiquities (Tr. abbr. GEEAYK) in 1977 and listed in
1981. In order to benefit from the construction servitude, a survey was carried out in
1985. These rather inaccurate drawings were approved by Cultural and Natural
Heritage Preservation Board, which made each apartment independent.
The building is being used mostly as residence and partially as office / commercial.
Even though the building has been preserved quite well throughout the years, the
neighborhood has been changing, as low buildings are being demolished and
apartments are being constructed instead.
Within the scope of this thesis, a conservation project for Tevfik Tura Apartment is
prepared. As the first step, the building is surveyed in detail, and virtually documented
with photos. The survey is carried out with both traditional and contemporary methods
(triangulation, laser scanning) and tools (tape measure, laser measure, profile comb).
In the context of analytical study; all the building materials used are listed (analysis of
building materials), and all sorts of deterioration seen at the building are determined and classified both in material and user intervention aspects (analysis of alteration).
Even though the building materials are well preserved in general and the recent
condition of materials seems not to threaten the structure, they still need to be
maintained or restored. Most significant and common deteriorations are moisture,
salinization, corrosion of metal elements and staining related with corrosion, followed
by plaster deteriorations and dirt on the building envelope. There are also few user
interventions in the interior like some walls pulled down, some building elements
relocated or destroyed. Nevertheless, regarding the fact that all of the relocated doors
and few of the windows are the original ones moved from one place to another within
the apartment, the interventions may be seen as positive. Also within the analytical
study, the lifetime of the building is categorized as two different periods, 1909-1950s
and 1950s-today, to emphasize changed and original parts of the building in order to
create a base for restitution (chronological analysis).
Besides surveying and analyses, in the light of documents like old maps, drawings,
photos etc., also by comparing floor plans with each other, comparing the building
with other apartment buildings in Galata-Pera and Yeldeğirmeni, examining the traces
on the building elements, and by evaluating oral statements of the users, a restitution
project is proposed. Suggestions related with the floors for the common use of the
residents – basement and roof – are the most uncertain ones. In the restitution proposal,
the basement floor is mainly a coal storage, divided into cells. As such, the roof floor
is consisting of laundry rooms, maid's rooms and two terraces along the main facades
where inhabitants were used to dry laundry. Regarding this project and today's
conditions, a restoration project is proposed.
According to the restoration project, Tevfik Tura Apartment is evaluated in
consideration of contemporary conservation approaches. Therefore the building is
mostly preserved as it is. The building materials are renovated only if necessary. Also
the east and west facades are renovated, in terms of reproduction of original doors and
windows, due to the contribution of these main facades of the building to the
neighborhood. It is suggested to refunction the basement and roof floors partially. Due
to the ownership issues, these floors are obligatorily reorganized as independent
sections again, only considering the garden as common space like its original
condition, which is in private use of an inhabitant today. As the last step, to rehabilitate
the building in terms of structure and material, interventions related to the deterioration
and alteration of the building are suggested (intervention analysis).
To conclude, aims of the thesis are to document the building and to serve as a model
to other documentations in building scale in the sense of case study, related with the
housing in Yeldeğirmeni. It is also a concern of this thesis to preserve the building
with its original housing function as today, and by doing so, to contribute to the
collective consciousness in terms of conservation. |