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Determination of genetic diversity of rhododendron species in turkey / Türkiye orman güllerinin genetik çeşitliliğinin belirlenmesi
Yer Bilgisi: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Ana Bilim Dalı / Moleküler Biyoloji Bilim Dalı
Konu:Biyoloji = Biology ; Genetik = Genetics
Dizin:Biyoloji = Biology ; Genetik varyasyon = Genetic variation ; Polimorfizm-genetik = Polymorphism-genetic
Yüksek Lisans
148 s.
Turkiye'nin Ormangulleri 10 takson ile temsil edilmekte ve dogudaki Artvin ilinden batdaki Istranca daglarna kadar Karadeniz ve Marmara kylarnda dogal olarak buyumektedirler. Gunumuzde Rhododendron cinsi icerisinde yer alan bitkiler, karakteristik ozelliklerinden dolay ds mek^an duzenlemelerinde ve saksl sus bitkisi olarak kullanm acsndan son derece populer bitkilerdir. Kentsel peyzaj planlamalarnda kulture alnms dogal orman gulu turlerinin yan sra slah calsmalar ile gelistirilmis ve gunumuzde saylar binlerle ifade edilen orman gulu cesitleri de skca kullanlmaktadr. Ulkemizde dogal olarak yayls gosteren orman gulleri gosterisli sus bitkileri olmalarna ragmen yerli turler henuz kulture alnmadg icin kentsel peyzaj uygulamalarnda sus bitkisi olarak kullanlmamaktadr. Peyzaj planlamalarda kullanlan orman gulleri ise ithal edilerek, yuksek yatlarla tuketiciye sunulmaktadr. Turkiye'nin dogal olarak yetisen Rhododendron turlerinin ex-situ korunmas icin iyi belgelendirilmis bir kaynak olusturmak amacyla ulusal bir proje baslatlmstr. Bu projenin ortaklar olarak, yer ve yuksekligin cesitlilige olas etkilerini de dahil ederek genetik cesitliligi analiz etmeyi amaclanmstr.  Ornekler arasndaki genetik cesitlilik ve logenetik iliskiyi incelemek icin RAPD, ISSR ve ITS isaretcilerinden olusan toplam 22 primer secilmistir. Kume analizi olusturmak icin veri matrisinin genetik uzaklk hesaplamalar, Pearson ve Jaccard katsays kullanlarak UPGMA metodu ile gerceklestirilmistir. Genetik benzerligi yanstan dendogramlar MATLAB kullanlarak cizilmistir. Tum primerler, 200-3000 bp arasnda degisen amplikon uretmis ve % 100 polimor zm gostermistir. Cogra aralgn tur genetik cesitliligi uzerindeki etkisi, oldukca genis yaylms yabani turlerin cok dar dogal gelisim yerlerine sahip diger yabani turlerden ayr gruplar halinde kumelenmesyle ackca gorulmustur.
The Rhododendrons of Turkey are presented by 10 taxa and they grow naturally along the coast of the Black Sea region from Artvin province at the east to Istranca Mountains at the west. Although in many countries, cultivated natural forms or breeding varieties of Rhododendron genus are highly used in landscape planning and as ornamentals, in Turkey there are no cultivated local forms available and all commercial varieties are imported as potted plants. Recently, a national project has started with an objective to generate well documented ex-situ conservation of all naturally growing Rhododendron species of Turkey following a detailed morphological, molecular studies and tissue culture propagations. As partners of this project our aim is to analyze the genetic diversity by incorporating possible impacts of location and altitude to their diversity. The plant material has been collected from nature at di erent GPS locations and diverse altitudes along the cost of Black Sea and Marmara region. Total of 22 primers consisting of RAPD, ISSR and ITS markers were selected to study the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship among the samples. Genetic distance calculations of the data matrix to generate cluster analysis were performed by UPGMA using Pearson and Jaccard coecient. The dendograms refecting the genetic distance were drawn using MATLAB. All primers have shown 100% polymorphism, producing amplicons ranging between 200-3000bp. The average number of bands obtained for ISSR and RAPD primers were 19.1 and 20.9 respectively. The impact of geographic range on the species genetic diversity were clearly observed in cluster analysis when highly wide spread wild species were clustered as separate groups from the other wild species which has very narrow range of natural growth locations.