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Yer Bilgisi: Atatürk Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı = Eastern Linguistics and Literature
Dizin:Fars edebiyatı = Persion literature ; Sakinameler = Saki-names
Yüksek Lisans
73 s.
At the era of Cahiliye (Ignorance) poets like Adî. b. Zeyd and A'şâ(death,A.D.629) nave written poems on wine and goblet. After Islam, at the Emevid period Ahtal(death,A.H. 95/ A. D. 713-714), Velxd b. Yezxd (126/744) and other poets have written verses on the topics. Abu Nuvas(198/813) and Ibnu'l-Mu'tezz (296/908) have composed poems under the title "hamriyat(the poems in praise of wine) ".The early Persian poets have adapted the Arabic poets in respect. In some works we come accross delaited information about the matter. For this reason same vocabulary about wine has entered the Persian language. RÛdeKx( 329/940-941) and Minucxhrx (432/1040- 1041) are the pioneer in this matter. In the 11 th century when mysticism came to Iran, words like wine, goblet and cupbear also entered Persian literature. Verses vere composed on mortality of the world, the cruelty of life, the afflic tions of a homan being were expressed which covered these terms. Nizamx(610/1213-1214) is first who tried such verses. These verses are in mathnawi form in metre mutekarib. Hafız has composed an entirely independent mathnawi of the kind but it was not known under the txtle "sâkînâme". Therefore, Ummxdx is to be considered as the first writer of "sakxna me" with all its charect eristics. The work of Ummxdx(925/ 1519) involves all the charecfeeristics of "sakxname" and he uses the terms us goblet, wine and a cup-bearer that express sadness, afflictions and mortality o this world. The out standing poets of "sakxname" : Pert ev-i Şxrâzx(928/1522),Şe- ref-i Cihân(968/1561),Kâsxm-x Gunâbâdx(982/1574) etc.