In recent years, there is a growing need for computer technology to be used in a realschool environment and/or higher education classrooms. However, educational softwarehas often been criticized as it has not been specifically designed to meet the needs ofreal classrooms. In this study, we have tried to develop the system, what we have calledas ?ZÖSMAT? that will respond almost every needs of a real classroom. ZÖSMAT canbe used for the purpose of either individual learning or real classroom environment withthe guidance of a human tutor during a formal education process. This characteristic ofZÖSMAT distinguishes itself from other intelligent tutoring systems. ZÖSMAT followsa student in each stage of learning process and guides him/her about what he/she will dofor the next stage. ZÖSMAT with a web-based feature presents an equal opportunity ofeducation for both the student in the classroom and anywhere in the world. This systemis a student-centered one and the progress through student?s learning process dependson his/her effort.Application of developed ZÖSMAT system was carried out with students atMathematical Education for Primary School of the Kazım Karabekir EducationalFaculty at Ataturk University in Erzurum. We have divided students into two groupsOne of them have used the system during the semestre for 16 hours. At the end of theapplication of program, all students have been taken an examination that is including thesame questions. Moreover, three students from the ZÖSMAT group had the same examvia the web-based feature of ZÖSMAT and connected to the system on-line from theirrespective hometowns. According to obtained results, the difference between averagemark of ZÖSMAT Group and other was quite attractive. Supporting the results of thisexperimental study, it could be safely concluded that ZÖSMAT is a powerful tool toimprove the learning performance of a student.Keywords: Intelligent tutoring system, instruction of mathematics, computer aidedlearning, sequences |