Kafkas milliyetçiliğinin Anadolu'ya ve Orta Asya'ya etkileri / The effects of Caucasus nationalism on Anatolia and Central Asia
Yer Bilgisi: Iğdır Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı / Genel Türk Tarihi Bilim Dalı
Konu:Tarih = History
Dizin:Akçura, Yusuf = Akçura, Yusuf ; Anadolu = Anatolia ; Gaspıralı İsmail = Gaspıralı İsmail ; Gökalp, Ziya = Gökalp, Ziya ; Kafkasya = Caucasus ; Milliyetçilik = Nationalism ; Orta Asya = Central Asia ; Togan, Zeki Velidi = Togan, Zeki Velidi ; Türk milliyetçiliği = Turkish nationalism
Yüksek Lisans
231 s.
When the evolutionary process of human beings is examined, we see that the awareness of being a member of the community has developed in the communities of the first period. This awareness process has led to the formation of a nation over time. While this nationalization process was sometimes formed by integrating a religion, it existed in some nations by uniting around a language. If evaluated in this sense, the Turkish Nation is a product of Turkish. Especially with the French Revolution, the concept of nationalism was added to the concept of nation. The idea of nationalism, which influenced the whole of Europe, soon affected the Turkish Nation. When evaluated in this context, opinions about the existence and continuity of the Turkish Nation, which completed the nationalization process in the first periods of history, were raised. In this sense, even though the first ideas started to appear in the Ottoman Empire, they would start their real organization in the Crimean geography and from there they would spread to Central Asia through the Bashkurt and also to Anatolia thanks to the Crimean Turks. Although some writers called the first Turkish Nationalist among the Ottoman Turks, their desire not to lose their sovereignty and to keep their empire alive prevented these studies. In this context, the first person who carried out extensive studies was İsmail Gaspıralı. Important writers such as Yusuf Akçura have reached ideological maturity thanks to İsmail Gaspıralı and Tercuman newspaper, which can be considered as the intellectual father of Turkish Nationalists. While Yusuf Akçura's views on economic independence pushed Turkish nationalists to think in the economic field, the history studies of Zeki Velidi Togan, who emerged from the Bashkir proved how deeply rooted the Turkish nation. |