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A.B.D. ve Türk inşaat sektörlerindeki standart sözleşme ve genel şartnamelerin karşılaştırılması / Comparison of the standard agreements and general conditions in American and Turkish construction sector
Yer Bilgisi: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı / Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Bilim Dalı
Konu:Mimarlık = Architecture
Yüksek Lisans
253 s.
ABD VE TÜRK İNŞAAT SEKTÖRLERDEKİ STANDART SÖZLEŞME VE GENEL ŞARTNAMELERİN KARŞDLAŞTHULMASI ÖZET Standart sözleşme dokümanları, sektörde faaliyet gösteren çeşitli kuruluşlar tarafından, katılımcılar arasındaki yasal ilişkilerin, sağlam ve dengeli bir şekilde oluşmasını sağlamak için hazırlanan dokümanlardır. Bu dokümanlar, hem çok ayrıntılı düşünülerek hazırlanmakta hem de farklı her katılımcının hak ve sorumlulukları eşit şekilde dağıtmaya çalışmaktadırlar. Bunlar arasında sözleşme ve genel şartnameler, tarafların yaptıkları iş anlaşmasının temellerini kurmaları açısından oldukça önemlidir. Standart sözleşmeler ve genel şartnameler, malsahibinin boşuna para ve zaman kaybetmesini önlemekte ayrıca, detaylı bir şekilde tasarlanmaları nedeniyle ileride çıkabilecek anlaşmazlıkları da en aza indirgemektedirler. Yapılan çalışmada amaç, 04.01.2002 tarihinde kabul edilmiş ve 01.01.2003 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiş olan, 4734 sayılı Kamu İhale Kanunu'nun, Kamu İhale Kurumu (KİK)'na verdiği yetki ile, yapım işlerine yönelik çıkarılmış olan sözleşme ve genel şartname dokümanlarındaki yapının ve koşulların, ABD 'de ki benzer örnekleri ile niceliksel ve niteliksel olarak karşılaştırılmasıdır. Türkiye'de, inşaat sözleşmesi olarak Kamu İhale Kurumu (KİK), götürü bedel ve teklif birim fiyat olmak üzere iki tipte sözleşme hazırlamıştır. Kamu İhale Kurumu (KİK), maliyet artı kar ve garantili maksimum fiyatlı maliyet artı kar ödeme yöntemleri için standart sözleşme dokumam yayımlamamaktadır. ABD' de ise, Amerikalı Mimarlar Birliği (ALA) ve Birleşmiş Genel Yükleniciler (AGC), götürü bedel, maliyet artı kar, garantili maksimum fiyatlı maliyet artı kar ödeme yöntemleri için standart dokümanlar yayımlamaktadır ancak bina inşaatlarında kullanılmak üzere, teklif birim fiyat ödeme yöntemi için standart dokümanlar yayımlamamaktadır. Bu bakımından, yapılan çalışmada incelenmek üzere götürü bedel sözleşmeler ele alınmıştır. xıKamu İhale Kurumu (KİK) tarafından hazırlanan sözleşme ve genel şartnamelerin genel yapı ve koşullar açısından karşılaştırılması iki aşamada yapılmıştır. Birinci aşamada, KİK taralından hazırlanan standart sözleşme ve genel şartnameler, ABD'de sektörün çok büyük bir kısmı tarafından kullanılıyor olmaları nedeniyle seçilen, Birleşmiş Genel Yükleniciler (AGC), Amerikalı Mimarlar Birliği (AIA) ve Birleşik Mühendisler Sözleşme Dokümanları Komitesi (EJCDC) dokümanları ile niceliksel olarak karşılaştirılmıştır. İkinci aşamada ise, KİK tarafından hazırlanan "Anahtar Teslim Götürü Bedel Sözleşme (ATGBS)" ve "Yapım İşleri Genel Şartnamesi (YİGŞ)", ALA tarafından tasarlanan Al 01-1 997, Malsahibi ve Yüklenici Arasında Ödeme İlkesinin Götürü Bedel Olduğu Standart Sözleşme Formu ve A201-1997, inşaat sözleşmesinin Genel Şartnamesi dokümanları ile içerdikleri maddeler bakımından karşılaştırılıp, KİK tarafından hazırlanan "Anahtar Teslim Götürü Bedel Sözleşme (ATGBS)" ve "Yapım İşleri Genel Şartnamesi (YİGŞ) dokümanlanndaki eksiklikler saptanmış ve eksiklik tespit edilen konulara ilişkin önerilerde bulunulmuştur. xn
COMPARISON OF THE STANDARD AGREEMENTS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS IN AMERICAN AND TURKISH CONSTRUCTION SECTOR SUMMARY Standard contract documents are developed and revised by group of people whose specialties are different in construction sector so, this type of documents are very detailed and they balance the interest of project parties fairly and realistically. All of the standard contract documents are important but the standard agreements and general conditions are very important because, they constitute basic principles and methods of the business agreement. In Turkey, Article 53-b of The Public Procurement Law gives the duty of preparing, developing and managing the standard agreements, standard bidding forms and general conditions to Public Procurement Institution (KİK). Based on this article, Public Procurement Institution, has prepared standard forms, agreements, general conditions and standard administrative conditions and has published this documents at January 4, 2002 and they have been accepted at January 1, 2003. These documents are so important for the construction sector in Turkey as there were a lot of problems due to the laws ang regulations before new documents are published. Because of this reason, in this work, standard agreements and general conditions prepared by Public Procurement Institution (KİK) are compared with the standard agreements and general conditions prepared by The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Engineering Joint Contract Documents Commitee (EJCDC). This comparison are made in gradual. In second chapter, the general concept of the agreements and also construction agreements, the importance of them for the construction sector and basic terms and conditions of them are also explained. In addition to these, the types of construction contracts are examined in 2 groups from different points of view. These groups are: xm. Classification with respect to Parties and Subject of the Contract and,. Classification with respect to Payment Procedures. In classification with respect to Parties, the main idea is, the roles of the people who participate in a project. In a project, there can be different number of roles but basicly, five kind of agreements are determined. These are:. Owner-Contractor Agreements,. Owner- Architect/Engineer Agreements,. Owner-Project Manager Agreements,. Architect/Engineer-Other Specialists Agreements,. Contractor-Subcontractor Agreements. In classification with respect to Payment Procedures, the main idea is how a party will be paid in exchange of his/her work. Generally, there are three kind of payment procedures are determined. These are:. Stipulated Sum Contracts,. Cost Plus Contracts,. Unit Price Contracts. In third chapter, standard agreements and general conditions are examined and advantages and disadvantages of the standard agreements and general conditions are explained. In this chapter, standard agreements and condition of the contracts of The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), The American Institute of Architects (ALA) and Engineering Joint Contract Documents Commitee (EJCDC), Public Procurement Institution (KİK), Institution of Architects (MO) and Institution of Electrical Engineers (EMO) are considered and divided into 5 groups about the parties of the project that are explained before. Then, for each group, the parameters that are considered by the institutions when they prepared the documents are examined. In this work, 8 different parameters are found. These are:. Scope of the Project,. Size of the Project, XIV. Payment Procedures,. Additional Participants,. Type of Professional Services,. Risk Distribution,. Document Type,. Place. In addition to these, documents in each group are examined one by one,and, they are shown by tables as a group. In fourth chapter, the stipulated sum contracts are considered and in this chapter, comparison is made in three steps. In first step, structure of the Standard Lump Sum Contract Between Owner and Contractor (ATGBS) and General Conditions of the Construction Contracts (YİGŞ) by Public Procurement Institution (KÎK), A101- 1997 /Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor Where The Basis Of Payment Is a Stipulated Sum and A201-1997/ General Conditions of the Contract for Construction by AIA and AGC200-2000/ Standard Form of Agreement and General Conditions Between Owner and Contractor Where the Contract Proce is a Lump Sum by AGC are examined. In second step, A101-1997 and A201-1997 by AIA and AGC200-2000 by AGC are compared because, AGC 200-2000 consists of both agreement and condition of the contract form in its structure so it is difficult to sever from agreement and condition of the contract provisions. For this reason, firstly, AGC (A200-2000) document is compared with AIA (A101-1997, A201- 1997) document then, in third step, AIA (A101-1997, A201-1997) and KİK (ATGBS and YİGŞ) are compared and additions are made with respect to AGC (AGC200- 2000). At the end of the comparison, some important shortages are found in Standard Lump Sum Contract Between Owner and Contractor (ATGBS) and General Conditions of the Construction Contracts (YİGŞ) that are prapared by KİK. These are:. Instead of repeating provisions that are in the agreement form in condition of the contracts, in point of view procedures and time limits more detailed provision should be prepared in condition of the contracts. xvContract administration provisions should be considered in documents. Because of the nature of the construction project, agreements and condition of the contracts should allow the changes in project but both ATGBS and YİGŞ do not allow the change. This article should be revised due to this characteristics of construction sector. The articles of YÎGŞ about Claims should be revised because, in this document, the procedures and time limits about claims are not enough. ATGBS and YÎGŞ should propose a mechanism about Dispute Resolution procedure because, in ATGBS, if any disputes arises between Building Inspection Official and contractor, parties apply to an owner but it is not a suitable approach. If owner could not solve the problem, this matter goes to court for resolution. In such case, the relationship between parties and work is affected from it. xvi