Today, interoperability is the major challenge for e-Business and e-Government domains. Thefundamental solution is the standardization in different levels of business-to-business interactions.However publishing standards alone are not enough to assure interoperability betweenproducts of different vendors. In this respect, testing and certification activities are very importantto promote standard adoption, validate conformance and interoperability of the productsand maintain correct information exchange. In e-Business collaborations, standards needto address different layers of interoperability stack; communication layer, business documentlayer and business process layer. Although there have been conformance and interoperabilitytesting tools and initiatives for each one of these categories, there is currently no supportfor testing an integration of the above within a test scenario which is similar to real life usecases. Together with the integration of different layers of testing, testing process should beautomated so that test case execution can be done at low cost, and repeated if required. Inthis theses, a highly adaptable and flexible Test Execution Model and a complementary XMLbased Test Description Language consisting of high level test constructs which can handle orsimulate different parts or layers of the interoperability stack is designed. The computer interpretable test description language allow dynamic set up of test cases and provides flexibilityto design, modify, maintain and extend the test functionality in contrast to a priori designedand hard coded test cases. The work presented in this thesis is a part of the TestBATN systemsupported by TUBITAK, TEYDEB Project No: 7070191. |