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81548 Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
11.-15. yy örneklerine göre Azerbaycan seramiklerinin malzeme, teknik, form ve süsleme özellikleri / Some characteristics of Azerbaijan ceramics as material, technique, form and decoration according to the examples of 11 th and 15 th centuries
Yer Bilgisi: Ankara Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Sanat Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Güzel Sanatlar = Fine Arts ; Sanat Tarihi = Art History
Dizin:Azerbaycan = Azerbaijan ; Seramik malzemeleri = Ceramic materials ; Seramikler = Ceramics ; Süsleme teknikleri = Ornaments technics
486 s.
SUMMARY In the present work, chronologies limits were determined as ll^-lS* centuries and the geographical limits as Northern Azarbaijan 105 glazed and unglazed ceramics obtained during the excavations and surface investigations conducted in Baylakan Ruins, Gebele, Berde, Sahran, Mingeçevr, Bendovan and Nahçıvan and displayed or preserved in the depots of in the Museum of History, Nizami Museim and Archeology Museum in Baku are examined. The fact that scientific resources and museums are emphasised is the model of the description chosen. The aim of our study, in a sense, is determination and presentation. Baylakan ruins and Gence are of the famous cities for their rich ceramics. The ceramics in various types and techniques gives us information about ceramics production in Azarbaijan in the Middle Ages. In addition ceramic furnaces, tripods, ceramic materials found in Baylakan ruins as well as in other Azarbaijani cities are also the proofs of local production. Ceramics which are inscribed the names of the master such as Hattab, Fadlun, Nasr are the important proofs giving us information about the masters of the time. Barbutin, prese, sgraffito, champleve, slip, polikrom decoration under transparent glaze, lustre and minai, over glaze painting techniques are the widespread applied techniques of the ceramics found in Azarbaijan. Among the ceramics, which we meet in various forms, bowls and plates constitute the widespread groups. Decorations, which are very rich in style on these pots, are made up of geometrical, vegetal and figurative ornaments. As well as the composition formed by triangles, spirals, curly branches and palmets, some ornaments made by figures are 277also interesting. Birds, fish, horses, rabbits, camels, meet, fantastic creatures are the main elements of figurative ornaments. We also meet handwritings on some ceramics. This work is made up of 6 chapters. 1. Chapter is the instruction and has three sub-titles such as "The aim of the study and is limits", "Investigation and Examination" and "Method of the Study." In the 2. Chapter, History and Geographical situation of Azarbaijan is studied under two sub-titles. 3. Chapter. "An Overview of the Azarbaijan Ceramics Art." In this chapter technical qualifications the dough, undercoat, glaze, colours, form, decoration techniques, motif and compositions of the glazed and unglazed ceramics found in the excavations in various Azarbaijani towns are considered on the whole. 4. Chapter "Catalogue". This chapter is divided into two subtitles such as glazed and unglazed ceramics and the ceramics are classified according to their functions. Some of the ceramics in fragments we classified in the catalogue according to their functions and the type of which we could not decide (whether they are of bowls or plates) were studied according to their records of inventory and publications. But we added a question mark after the names of the works of those kinds. In preparing the index cards of glazed and unglazed work studied in the catalogue, a mono-type system could not be applied, so a chapter entitled "colours" was added to the index cards of the chapter of glazed ceramics. 5. Chapter, second large chapter other than catalogue, is "Comparison and Evaluation". In this chapter, the ceramics evaluated in respect of materials, techniques, forms and decorations are compared on the whole with their counterparts in the neighbouring cultures according to the information derived fromthe catalogue. 2786. Chapter is the "Results" and the information we obtained throughout the study is summarized by headlines. The photographs of the works studied, the list of the drawings and their constructions are given at the end of the text totally. Besides, the map of the towns in which the excavations and surface investigations were carried out and the maps which show the political structure of Azarbaijan in 1 1th- 15th, centures were also attached to the end of the text. In addition, some words related with ceramics, which we meet in the publications written in Azarbaijan Turkish were included in te chapter "Terminology" and given at the end of the text. 279