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Geleneksel saray mimarisinde Çırağan Sarayı'nın yeri /
Yer Bilgisi: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Konu:Sanat Tarihi = Art History
Dizin:Mimari eserler = Architectural works ; Saraylar = Palaces ; Tarihsel gelişim = Historical development ; Çırağan Sarayı = Çırağan Palace
Yüksek Lisans
173 s.
ÖZET Çırağan Sarayı; Beşiktaş ile Ortaköy arasında Fer'iye Sarayları, Matbaalar, çeşitli köprüler ve müştemilat ile on'a yakın binadan oluşan yapılar topluluğu, 1300 metre uzunluğunda bir rıhtım cephesi ve arkasında uzanan geniş bahçe ile büyük bir saray kompleksidir. 17.yüzyılda V.Murad (1623-1640)'ın kızı Kaya Sultan'ın bu mevkide bulunan "Kazancıoğlu Bahçesf'nde yaptırdığı yalının ardından IS.yüzyılda yine aynı yerde ibrahim Paşa'nın sahilsaray'ında yapılan Çırağan eğlenceleriyle ün kazanan yapının adı bu dönemde ve sonrasında buraya yapılacak olan bütün yapıların adı olmuştur. 18.yüzyıl sonunda Beyhan Sultan'ın kullandığı bina aynı yıllarda III. Selim'in mülkleri arasına katilmiş ve yapı genişletilerek onarılmıştır. 19.yüzyılın ilk yansında H Mahmud'un burada batılı anlayışta büyük bir saray yaptırma isteğinin sonucunda döneminde Boğaziçi'nin en önemli yapısı olan Çırağan Sarayı ortaya çıkmıştır. Batılı bir yaşam tarzına uygun olarak inşa edilen saraydaki Avrupalı etkiler daha çok cephe tasannu ve dekorasyonda kalmış, geleneksel plan şeması uygulaması ve ahşap malzeme kullanımı devam etmiştir. Bir süre Abdülmecid'in de oturduğu saray, daha büyük, daha batik ve kargir olan Dolmabahçe Sarayı'nın yapımıyla geri planda kalmıştır. Abdülaziz devrinde 1871 yılında eski saray yıkılarak, yerine yeni bir kargir saray inşa edilmiş tek binada ihtiyaca cevap veren Avrupa saraylarına benzerliğinin yanında bezeme ve dekorasyonda doğu etkilerini taşıyan saray, plan şemasında Türk evi plan şemasını sürdürmüştür. II..Meşrutiyetin ilanından sonra Meclis-i Mebusan olarak kullanılan saray binası, 1910'da yanmıştır. Cumhuriyet döneminde uzun yıllar yanık duvarları kalan sarayın yan binalarıda değişik işler için kullanılmıştır.. Restore edilen Çırağan Sarayı 1992'de otel haline getirilmiştir. Sarayın yanında yer alan binalar ise çeşitli kurum ve kuruluşlar tarafından kullanılmaktadır, Xt
SUMMARY Starting from the Dolmabahçe Mosque there is a line going to Ortaköy, to the Büyük Mecidiye Mosque, the area behind this line reaches the hills of Yıldız and comprises 3 big palace complexes, showing the development of palace arcbitecture, after the Topkapı Palace. Whereas the architectural stracture of the Çırağan and Dohnabahçe Palaces indicate efforts to break from tradition and establish a mode of living influenced by the West, the Yıldız Palaces is accepted as a architectural specimen of return to traditional style. When leaving the Topkapı Palace and pass to the Bosphoras, we anive at the Çırağan Palace. This Palace, which seems to represent the western way of living is fitted with furnitures indicating new customs acquired which were excluded from the traditional mode of living in Ottoman Palaces. it gained its real identity by the end of the 19* century. The first movements of construction to render prosperous the area where the Çırağan Palace is situated started during the 17*. century. The "Kazancıoğlu Bahçesi" (Kazancıoğhı Garden), which was situated in this area at those times was added then to "Hadaik-i Hassa", that is to the "Sultans'Gardens". The Sultan Murad IV. (1623-1640) donated this garden to his daughter Kaya Sultan, who spent the summer months together with her husband Melek Ahmed Pasha in a waterside residence they had be constructed there. in the 18*. century, the Sultan Ahmed m. (1703-1730) gave his property there to his daughter Fatma Sultan and her husband Nevşehirli Damat ibrahim Pasha, who had a waterside residence be constructed there. xttThis building was given the name "Ferahabad". Later on, it was called "Çırağan", because of entertainments particular to that period "Lale Devri" (The Tulip Age) (1718-1730) which took place in this palace. These entertainments were based on light effects and flowers arranged in the garden and therefore, the name "Çırağan", deriving from the Farsi word "çerağ", meaning oil lamp, providing light, was granted to the palace. This name was also given both to garden parties and to the palace of ibrahim Pasha and also, later on, to ali palaces buut in this location. in 1730, duıing rebellion of Patrona Halil, the Nevşehirli Damat İbrahim Pasha was killed and Fatma Sultan continued to live thre until her death. in later years, the Sultan Mahmud I.was interested in thiswaterside residence, therefore, he had it repaired and maintained. During the same years, Sadrazam (Prime Minister of the Sultan) Hacı Ahmed Pasha and later on, Hakimoğlu Ali Pasha used this residence to give banquets to Austrian and French ambassadors and also to discuss state's matters. Zeynep Sultan has also resided there for a certain time and then, in 1767, the Sultan gave the Çırağan Palace to the Sheikhulislam İbrahim Beyefendi. By the end of the 18th century. Beyhan Sultan, öne of Sultan Selim ÜLsisters, had the old waterside residence be destroyed and replaced with a new waterside palace. The building was constructed by Yorgi Kalfa from 1791 to 1795. After a certain time, Selim İÜ. Took över the waterside palace and also the waterside residence adjacent to the palace, which belonged to Rodoslu Ahmed Ağa. He had the palace be widened and restored. it is during the reign of Mahmud ü. That the Çırağan Palace gained its palace identity.Mahmud n.did not want to live in the Topkapı Palace. He wanted to have palace in the European Style and therefore, he chose the place where the Çırağan Palace is located. The construction of the Palace started in 1834 and was completed in 1841. xffiThe Çırağan Palace of Mahmud H. Stretched itself out from Beşiktaş to Ortaköy and was composed of five sections: The apartment for Ceremonies and for receiving the Sultan's viziers. The private apartments where the Sultan received visitors on ordinaıy occasions, the apartment where the Sultan's wives lived, and the apartment of the heir to the throne. There were also ten more apartments for various usis. The Çırağan Palace of Mahmud ü. Was constructed similarly to urban buildings and was composed of Harem and Selamlık Blocks (Harem apartments where the Sultan's wives lived, Selamlık, apartment reserved for males) and between these blocks were the Mabeyin and the Muayede Halis. This constraction was entirely dîfferent from ancient plans around courtyards. 10 ör 15 years later, the Sultan Abdülmecid had the same settlement system be applied to the Dolmabahçe Palace in 1854, but this type on a much larger area and by using stones. The palace which had been constructed in empire and neo-classic style, was a stracture made oftfinberon a stone foundation. in the 194 century Ottoman architecture, timber has been often used with stone and marble and this palace was an example to a composite construction technic. Abdühnecid (1839-1861)who reigned after Mahmud HResided in the Çırağan palace for a certain time, using it also for ceremoniesandreceptions. The construction of the new Çırağan Palace commenced in 1863 and was completed in 1871. The Çırağan Palace which is a stone building constructed during the reign of Abdülaziz (1861-1876), has been designed according to the particulars of the Turkish House Architecture, that is a rectangle including a 3-hall plan. The stracture's plancalls attention to the harmony of the interior and exterior architecture which is also reflected to the front parts of the building. There is a discipline indicating symmetrical and axial arrangements. Historisist tejadencies of the European Architecture have also been reflected m the Psteeers architeetore, in the years when the Çırağan Palace was xivconstructed Nortwestern African influence can be also seen in the frontal architecture. An interior ariental design and decoration has been realized in the palace, with Ottoman motives. Sultan Abdulaziz' s Çırağan Palace Consists of Fer'iye Palaces, kitchens, various bridges and outhouses and abt. 10 separate buildings, covering a wharf of 1300 m. lenght alonside the Bosphorus. It is a palace Complex of magnificent look, an urban work of art According to various sources, Nikogos and/or Agop Balyan had been entrusted with the project of the palace, wheras Sarkis Balyan had been entrusted with the liability of application. Although the Çırağan Palace has been constructed in a western concept, that is meeting with requirements in a single building, it has not completely broken with traditional designs. The Çırağan Palace which is generally told to be influenced by the West, within the tradition of Turkish Palaces, has actually followed the tradition of the Turkish House's Plan closely. Years later, the Çırağan Palace witnessed many important historical events. After Sultan Abdulaziz, who had the Palace be constructed, was dethroned, he was settled in the Çırağan Palace where he died in the last Fer'iye apartment looking to Ortaköy. Sultan Abdulaziz was replaced by Murad V.who was dethroned after a short time and imprisoned in the Çırağan Palace where he lived 28 years as a prisoner until he died. After the n. Constitutional Period, the Palace which had been assigned to the Ottoman Parliament, burnt on the 1910. The other structures the Palace, which remained as a burnt ruin for long years, have been used to meet new social requirements after the Republic was established. XVToday, a major part of these buildings are used as schools, under different educational administrations. The Çırağan Palace, representing the main building of Structures' Group, has been offered to service as a hotel in 1992. A new hotel building is being constructed in its garden. The palace building comprises various units such as a conference hall, an exhibition hall, bars, a Turkish bath, a ball-room etc. xvt