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72649 Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Ortaçağ Kayseri ve çevresi hanları-kervan yolları / Kayseri its surroundings caravanserais and caravan roads in the middle ages
Yer Bilgisi: Erciyes Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Sanat Tarihi = Art History
Dizin:Hanlar = Inns ; Kayseri = Kayseri ; Köprüler = Bridges ; Orta Çağ = Middle Ages ; Seyyahlar = Travellers
Yüksek Lisans
137 s.
SUMMARY KAYSERİ its surroundings caravanserais and caravan ROADS IN THE MIDDLE AGES Kayseri (Caiseria-Masaka) is located in a region that is called Cappadocia. Kayseri has been an important trade center in its region since Asur Age (BC. 2000-1600). At that time Kanes (Kanim) was the most important trade colony. At the time of Hittites (BC. 1800-1200), Firigians (BC. 1200-700), the Cappadocia Kingdom (BC. 63- AC. 395) and the State of Anatolian Seljuk Kay seri was located in the area where historical roads intersected. In the Seljukian period lots of hans (inns) were built on the roads of east- west and south-north directions. These hans (inns) in which tradesmen buil dings. The most important two buildings which were made in that period and still remained were Tuzhisar Sultan Han and Celaleddin Karatay Han. These hans were of large size and have the characteristics of classical Seljukian architecture. Hans (inns) played an imported role in the economic life of Seljukians. The domestic and the foreign mecrhants who travelled on the safe Anatolian roads stayed at these hans and reached the commercial centers through them. Seljukians developed their foreign trade establishing an international fair called «foreign marked». This international marked is near Pazarören in Kay seri now. All the Seljukian hans (inns) were built by pious faundations. In these buildings, which were built by Sultans (Kings) and statesmen, muslim or non- muslim, independent or slave, man or woman, adult or child everyone stayed, ate and their patients were cured and their animals were cared without any payment. In those hans were also baths for travellers to clean themselves. All the income of a han (inn) was provided by those who built and consectated those buildings and other pious foundations. Hans (inns) are categorized into four types with regard to their scheme: 1. Open type 2. Closed type 3. Mutual roomed type 4. Dagger type. Smooth hewn stones and rough stones were used as the construction materials there are hans (inns) such as Tuzhisar there are rooms called Koshk mescid (small mosque) in the open yard sections.