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Bazı sentetik antibiyotikler ve bitkisel yağların bal arısı (Apis mellifera L.) yavru çürüklüğü hastalıklarındaki (Amerikan ve Avrupa yavru çürüklüğü) antibakteriyel etkilerinin saptanması / Detection of antibacterial effects of some synthetic antibiotics and essential oils on the honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) foulbrood diseases (American and European foulbrood)
Yer Bilgisi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Biyoloji = Biology ; Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji = Pharmacy and Pharmacology ; Mikrobiyoloji = Microbiology
121 s.
Numerous antibiotics have been tested for the treatment of Honeybee Foulbrooddiseases which cause significant loss in Beekeeping Industry. For this purpose,different groups of antibiotics such as oxytetracycline, erithromycine, tylosin,azadirachtin, ampicillin, mirosamycin were studied under in-vitro and in-vivoconditions and residue levels were measured in honey and other honeybeeproducts. But it was not important to use an antibiotic, as the real problem comesinto existence after its use. Especially, in nectar flow period the residues ofantibiotics remain in honey and other honeybee products. This event is veryhazardous for human health. The results of the experiments demonstrate thateven the most useful and effective antibiotic needs a degradation time and leavesresidues.Recently, all of the studies are directed the efficiency of essential oils asantibiotics. According to the reports of these studies, natural essential oils haveboth physical and toxicological mode of action. On the other hand, they have ashort degradation time and don?t leave any residue in honey or other honeybeeproduct.In this study, esential oils are selected from selected endemic plant species fromTurkey. Then, these oils were examined for antibacterial activity and comparedwith some synthetic antibiotics. In this way, natural essential oils, that havemaximum antibacterial activity, may be put forward as alternative to syntheticantibiotics. Because these oils are extracted mostly from endemic plants ofTurkey, the results of this experiment will be very important for BeekeepingIndustry all over the World. In this way, this study will carry extra importance forTurkey in World Beekeeping Literature.iiiThe first stage of experiment was started with honeybee brood sample collectionin field studies from different regions of Turkey. At the same time extraction ofessential oils from plants were undertaken. The isolation and identification offoulbrood strains were performed. In these experiments 14 Paenibacillus larvae(the cause of American Foulbrood), 17 Melissococcus pluton (the cause ofEuropean Foulbrood) were diagnosed. Antibiotic disc papers were prepared andessential oils were absorbed to these paper discs. From then, the experimentcontinued as a routine antibiogram test. In the end, the diameter of zones weremeasured and evaluated the efficiency antibiotic discs which contain standardvalues of essential oils.In conclusion, the essential oil of Origanum onites and one of the its ingredents,Carvacrol and the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis were found effective onAmerican Foulbrood Disease. Similarly, the essential oil of Origanum onites andone of its ingredents, Carvacrol and the essential oils of Seseli androanki, Biforaradians were found effective on European Foulbrood Disease.This study shows that, these natural medicines which were extracted from Turkeyplants may be alternative antibiotics for the treatment of the two importanthoneybee diseases.