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Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar'ın şehir imgesi ve Beş Şehir kitabı, İstanbul bölümü üzerinden içerik analizi örneği / Urban image by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar and an example of content analysis through the essay on Istanbul, Bes Sehir book
Yer Bilgisi: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Kentsel Tasarım Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Mimarlık = Architecture ; Şehircilik ve Bölge Planlama = Urban and Regional Planning
Dizin:Ahmed Hamdi = Ahmed Hamdi ; Edebi eserler = Literary works ; Kent kimliği = Urban identity ; Kentsel analiz = Urban analysis ; Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi = Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi ; İçerik analizi = Content analysis
Yüksek Lisans
247 s.
Birçok yazar, şair ve düşünür için şehir, yazmaya teşvik edici, üzerinde düşünülmesi gereken bir olgudur. Bu yüzden şehir, yazarlar için kimi zaman anlatımlarının temasını aktarabilmek için kullandıkları bir araç kimi zaman da başlı başına yazılarının konusu olmuştur. Bu tez çalışması da bir edebi metin üzerinden şehir imgesi kavramını tartışmak amacıyla şehir okuması yapmak üzere kurgulanmıştır. Şehirler üzerine düşünen yazarlardan biri ve bu çalışmanın konusu olan Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar (1901-1962) derin entelektüel altyapısı ve duygu dünyası üzerinden şehirleri anlatırken, kurduğu özgün ilişkiler ile edebiyat ve şehir ilişkisinde dikkat çekici bir karakter olmuştur. Tanpınar, babasının kadı olmasından dolayı çocukluğunu farklı coğrafyalarda geçirmiş, üniversiteyi İstanbul'da okumuş ve öğretmenlik hayatını farklı şehirlerde sürdürmüştür. Bu deneyimleri doğrultusunda şehirleri gözlemleme, şehirler üzerine düşünceler üretme ve şehri aktarma kabiliyetleri gelişmiştir. Beş Şehir kitabında "hayatımın tesadüfleri" dediği ve öğretmenlik yaptığı şehirleri aktarmış olan Tanpınar, şehirler üzerinden medeniyet, zevk, zaman, sanat, tarih, kültür tartışmaları yapmıştır. Tüm yazıları, roman ve şiirleri derin bir bilgi birikimi ve kusursuz bir estetiğin ürünü olan Tanpınar'ın yazılarında şehir; kurduğu tüm entelektüel ilişkilerle farklı ve dikkat çekici bir şehir imgesi oluşturmuştur. Bu tezin amacı; "Huzur" romanı sayesinde İstanbul ile anılan Tanpınar'ın ilk yazmış olduğu şehir denemesi olan "Beş Şehir" kitabında, İstanbul'u nasıl algılayıp aktardığını ve zihnindeki İstanbul imgesinin ne olduğunu anlamaya çalışmaktır. Tanpınar'ın şehri hangi şehir kimliği ögeleri üzerinden tartıştığını ve şehrin anlamını bulmak için nasıl gözlemlerde bulunduğunun belirlenmesi bu tezin amaçlarındandır. Tez çalışmasının yöntemi olarak; Beş Şehir kitabında bahsedilen şehir kimliği ögelerinin tespit edilebilmesi için "içerik analizi" yöntemi seçilmiştir. Bu analiz çalışmanın yanı sıra Tanpınar hakkında yapılmış çalışmalar, yazılan yazılar ve Tanpınar'ın kendi mektup ve günlükleri olmak üzere yazmış olduğu deneme, makale, roman ve şiirler incelenmiş ve Tanpınar'ın düşünsel altyapı ile estetik karakteri ve bu altyapının şehirle kurduğu ilişkiler anlaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak içerik analizi yöntemi ve Tanpınar okumaları üzerinden Tanpınar'ın şehir imgesi ortaya konmuştur.
For many writers, poets and philosophers; city is an incentive to write and a phenomenon to be considered. That is why city has become the subject of many writings or a tool for writers to convey the theme of their narratives. This thesis study was also designed to read about city in order to discuss the concept of city image through a literary text. Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar (1901-1962), who is one of the writers who think about cities and the subject of this study, became a remarkable character about the subject of literature and city relation with his unique relationships he established while explaining the cities through his deep intellectual infrastructure and emotional world. Tanpınar spent his childhood in different geographies because his father was a kadi, he studied at the university in Istanbul and continued his teaching life in different cities. In line with these experiences, he has developed the ability to observe cities, to generate ideas about cities and to convey them. Tanpınar, who told about the cities that he had worked as a teacher and described them as "the coincidences of my life" in the book of Five Cities, has made debates about civilizations, pleasure, time, art, history, culture over the cities. In the writings of Tanpınar, whose writings, novels and poems are products of a profound knowledge and a perfect aesthetic; he has created a distinctive and striking city image with all the intellectual relations that he has established. The purpose of this thesis is; to try to understand how Tanpınar, who is known for İstanbul under favour of his novel "Huzur", perceives and conveys İstanbul in the book "Five Cities", which is his first essay about city, and what is the image of İstanbul in his mind like. The determination of which observations does Tanpinar make to find the meaning of the city and over which identity components of city does he discuss the city is one of the valuable features of this thesis. As a method of thesis study; "Content Analysis" method has been chosen in order to identify the city identity components that are mentioned in the book "Five Cities". The results of the analysis carried out by the method of content analysis in this study, which started with the reading of "Five Cities", were presented as a declaration in İstanbul - ISVS-7 Congress in 2014. It is aimed to capture the city image in the mind of Tanpınar by the content analysis made. In addition to this study of analysis; studies and articles about Tanpınar, the essays, articles, novels and poems written by Tanpınar especially his own letters and diaries were examined and Tanpınar's intellectual background, aesthetic character and their relations with the city were tried to be understood. This study was prepared in five main topics. In the first part, Introduction, the purpose, scope and method of the study and literature review were included. In the second part of the study, literature and city relation has been discussed. In this context, the concept of "Novel City" and the cities that are mentioned together with authors in the novels, poetry and essay types are examined. This section includes the evaluation of the works and criticisms of these authors and their works in order to understand the city image in the minds of the authors who wrote their works with great interest in the city like Tanpınar. It is thought that this study on how to understand the city image in the minds of the sample writers would guide to understand Tanpınar's city image. In the third part of the study, the city's significance for Tanpınar has been discussed. For this reason, firstly life of Tanpınar and his relations with the city have been tried to be explained. At the same time, by analyzing the points of intersection of Tanpınar's intellectual background with city; his relation established between city and himself have been tried to be explained through concepts of city, civilization and time. Moreover, in order to understand his artistic personality his perception of art have been examined and subjects of architecture, painting, music and classical Turkish arts which were related to the city by Tanpınar have been discussed. In the part of analysis, which constitutes the original part of the study, the value of the book of "Five Cities" and the reason behind its selection have been discussed primarily. Then, the book of "Five Cities" have been tried to explain by highlighting the city identity components which were used by Tanpınar. In addition to this, the analysis made by the method of content analysis has been presented and interpreted in order to understand the city image of Tanpınar. In the last part of the study, the analysis part and readings upon Tanpınar have been compared and an evaluation has tried to be made.