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Tarihi coğrafyacılığın doğuşu ve gelişimi (M.610-1000) / The Birth and development of the historical geography (A.D.610-1000)
Yer Bilgisi: Ankara Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Konu:Coğrafya = Geography ; Tarih = History
Dizin:Coğrafya = Geography ; Tarih = History ; Tarihi coğrafya = Historical geography ; İslam tarihi = Islamic history
383 s.
342 SUMMARY Phd. Thesis Murat A?ARI This research is about the Historical Geography. İt deals with not only the history but also the geography. So it is necessary that we should take charge of them together, initially we invastigated the history and goegraphy at Ancient times. Both of them were primitive approach in this times. At the same time, there are some scientific indicators, too. This period of time is divided in to four chapter: 1. Before Old Greece 2. Old Greece 3. Rome 3. Helenıstıc İn islamic period, scientific understanding has changed and improved. Qoran an Hadith inroduced new ideas and approach to mushm scientists. Some times later Bayt al Hiqma was founded at Abbasid State. This is a translating office. The research materials, taken from other countries, for example Greece, Konstantinopole, Egypt, India and Iran were translated to Arabic. Especially Batlamyus influenced on geography. This period is divided in to three chapter: 1. Early Islamic Period 2. Banû Umayyad 3. Banû Abbasid. Visible scientific improvements were achieved at third chapter. İn this time, Muslim historians and geographers wrote their original books. These books changed primitive scientific ideas and influenced on scientific approach of all over the world Key Words: History, Geography, Histoncal Geography, Old Greece, islamic Period, Qoran, Hadith, Bayt al-Hikma