Tez No İndirme Tez Künye Durumu
1946-1960 yılları arasında Erzurum'da siyasi hayat /
Yer Bilgisi: Atatürk Üniversitesi / Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü
Konu:Tarih = History ; Türk İnkılap Tarihi = History of Turkish Revolution
Dizin:Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi = Cumhuriyet Halk Party ; Demokrat Parti = Democrat Party ; Erzurum = Erzurum ; Siyasi gelişmeler = Political improvements ; Siyasi hayat = Political life ; Siyasi partiler = Political parties ; Siyasi tarih = Political history
Yüksek Lisans
280 s.
Erzurum has been one of the most important cities of Anatolia by its geographicsitiation and strategic features throught cunturies. In the background of its historic past,there was great role of politic military, social and economic affairs. Particularly, thedestuctive effect of long-lasting wars on the region lasted until the first quarter oftwentieth century.When basic principals preparing the establishment of Republican People's Party(R.P.P'!C.H.P.) which is the first party of Turkish Republic were taken intoconsideration, its noticed that this party wasn't solely a political party.This partyintented to solve quickly vital problems of Turkey was also equipped with theprogrammes which would take Turkey to the civilization. C.H.P. established byAtatiirk, when difficult circumstances were taken into consideration, its managed agreat work despite all difficulties. But, revolutions carried out were planned in the upperlevel of the state in legal way, and were put into effect. According to C.H.P. representedall of the people. So there was no need for another politic party. But in his reign, otheropposition-parties were also established. The life of these political parties were short dieto the troubles Turkey experienced.C.H.P. established in order for great Works to be able to archieve had beenexperienced some troubles as organizationally. Upper leveled bureaucrats having formalduties in the city-centres also managed to party. But wide people masses weren'tincluded in the party. This was a great lack of political life.In the days when only one party-rule was experienced, C.H.P. was turned into apolitical party in which only one section of people take part actively. While therevolitions were realized with a great speed, Democratic improvements were not able tocatcb up with some level.With the establishment of D.P., political life in Erzururn as well in allover thecountry revived. In 1946 General Elections, D.P. maintained its power in Erzururndespite the difficulties encountered.VIIIIn Generel Elections mada in 1950, D.P. was succesful and obtained the rule witha great majority. In the elections performed as to as this date (1954-1957), D.P. went onthe some sucess in ten-year.D.P. rule, all of the parliamenters of Erzurum were chose from D.P. lists. In allover the country, while the rates of vote of D.P. were fluctuating political support givenby Erzurum for this poltical party had lasted steadily.D.P. Goverments also showed their friendly approaches to Erzurum. But, As D.P.due to the power thanks to the rule made mistakes which are similer to those up c.R.P.,political argumentations come into existence. Political party as established in this periodsuch as H.P. and M.P. were the results of these negatinenesses. When established,opposition parties were able to medium in Erzurum for themselves.One of the most important principles of political life is the freedom of makingpolicy. So, the citizens are able to use their sovereignity rights. But, how muchdemocratic the participation in the political life is can be discussed. But how muchdemocracy the name of which is always mentioned and the parties were established forits name took the place in our life is also another controversy matter.In this respect, The revival of policy in Erzurum from election to election is asubject which should be interested in. Despite all of these, in the period when D.P. wasin rule, significant improvements had been experienced. Economic advancements wererecorded in both social and economic field. Particularly, In the field of education, thefact that Atattirk University was opened become a great gaining not only for Erzurumbut also for all Eastern Anatolia. In the developments experienced, the members ofparliament in that period was significant contribution.In 1946 and 1950, The political life in Erzurum was a reflection of the eventswhich Turkey experienced. The researches carried out about this period may enlightenthe past of the region as well as the suppor for political futures