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51742 Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Elazığ Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi koleksiyonundaki Şavak kilimleri / Şavak kilims at the collection of Archeology and Etnography Museum of Elazığ
Yer Bilgisi: Ankara Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Konu:Arkeoloji = Archeology ; Sanat Tarihi = Art History
Dizin:Dokuma sanatı = Weaving art ; Kilimler = Rugs ; Tunceli-Şavak = Tunceli-Şavak ; Şavak kilimleri = Şavak carpets
Yüksek Lisans
821 s.
SUMMARY This thesis research of the cicim in the Archaeology and Etnography Museum of Elazığ Province and in this museum to attend, 22 pieces Savak cicims. Cicims is a type of flat weaves. Pileless weaves used as curtains, covers, sheets etc. produced by applying dyed yarns of. bezayagi weave of formed by joining together cut kilim pieces voven narrow and long in diverse techniques ar called cicim. Material for cicim weaves is wool and the produced dyed yarns colours of the alizarin. The Turkoman tribes began to enter Anatolia even before the coming of the Seldjuks. One of these tribes, the Savak Turkoman and they give more importance to the raising of livestock lead a nomadic life. The Savak cicim weaves are geometrical in design and these brocaded as known "nakış". Alizarin dyes are used a favourite colours being dark blue, brick red, white, brown, orange and use of contrasting colours on a dark ground is most striking. Various types of Savak cicims, are also produced employing same range of colours warp dyes. Applying as curtain, covers etc. produced weaves is generally 140 to 184 cm width and 152 to 197 cm length. Makes as sheets cicim weaves is generally 116 to 152 cm width and 173 to 365 cm length. Establish with in this thesis research 22 pieces Savak cicims which to exist 4 types of the Savak cicim in interest museum. Research Savak cicims from 4 pieces is "warp and weft- faced flat-weave cicim", 2 pieces is "double brocaded-sided warp faced cicim", 3 pieces is "double sides brodaced (colored ornamented) warp-faced cicim" and 13 pieces is "single sided brocaded warp faced cicim". în this research with first time establishing "double sided brocaded (colored ornamented) warp-faced cicim" in the Savak cicim weaves. T4. YÜKSEKÖ?RETİM OMU» WKUMANTASYON MERİM